Wednesday, September 1, 2010

When I feel like no one is paying attention... She raises her hand!

I have a little girl who came in the first day of school looking totally lost. It was her first year here and she was very shy. She had trouble following directions and was taking FOREVER to get anything done! We were very frustrated in the beginning and I was worried it would be like this all year. I started working with her one-on-one more, helping her stay on track. It took maybe two days before I realized she was very very capable of getting everything done she just needed a little motivation. It was obvious that she was getting no praise or recognition at home and she craved it.

As she started to get work done faster and faster I pretended to be shocked! I would say "did you do this by your self?? Realllllly??" She looked so proud with a huge smile on her face like "duh Miss Hansen!"

In the last 4 days she has become much more social, raising her hand to answer questions and "writing" sentences on her work. Every day I walk into the lunch room and say "I know I say this every day but I am just so excited about ***". It is awesome to see a child so excited and proud of herself!!

I love that I have created a bond with her and she feels comfortable with me. She even came up to me yesterday and asked for a hug. :)

On the other hand I have another child who is not getting anything done. I don't even know what he does to occupy his time but he is always the last one finished. To try to motivate him we have started saying things like "if you don’t finish you don’t get to go to gym". I hate to take away time like that especially when so many students need those specials as a way to express themselves but nothing else seems to work to motivate him.

-Miss Hansen

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