Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ADHD.. real or over diagnosed??

In class we learn about how over diagnosed ADHD can be. It tends to be the "explanation" for a misbehaving child. I have both sides in my classroom.  I have one child who's mother insists that she get tested for ADHD because "she likes to talk in class". I know this child well and yes she can be distracted and she does talk occasionally in class but I would not say that it is so much that she has ADHD. I have learned that some parents have alternative motives when it comes to having their child observed because if the child is diagnosed ADHD they will receive money through the Supplemental Security Income.

"Getting awarded social security benefits for ADHD

For children (3-18) to receive SSI disability benefits based on this disorder, they must---in addition to possessing 1. marked inattention, 2. marked impulsiveness, and 3. marked hyperactivity---have at least two of the three following conditions, resulting from ADHD:

1. Marked impairment in age-appropriate cognitive/communication function.

2. Marked impairment in age-appropriate social functioning.

3. Marked impairment in age-appropriate personal functioning.

For each of these marked impairments (conditions resulting from ADHD is a good way to think of them), there must exist supporting documentation. " (

If there is a working parent in the house one child is eligible for between $2,000- 3,000. For household where the income is not earned they are eligible for $1,000-2,000.

It seems so crazy to say that parents tell their child to misbehave and act out because they want the money.. but it happens.

I have another child who is definitely ADHD! When he takes his meds he gets his work done and might act out some but nothing more than a typical first grader. When he doesn't take his meds... well we know its going to be a looooong day! He is all over the place! He gets nothing done and has a really hard time controlling his body! I have never seen a child who benefits more from medication!
I think its really important for teachers to help children who need it get help, but also watch out for when parents are trying to misuse the system.

-Miss Hansen

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