There is a rumor that the new drug house in the neighborhood is home to one of my children. I have to say that there are a few that we wouldn't have been as surprised to hear this about but this little girl is more or less "normal". She has her moments when she doesn't pay attention or doesn’t follow directions, but what first grader doesn't!
Yesterday a child came in the room and excitedly told me "Miss Hansen me and my mom sat outside the jail last night (my mind is racing with "omg what is he going to tell me") cause my uncle came home" I turned to my teacher and my jaw dropped. She steps in and says something like "wow I bet he was really excited to see you". It took me a minute to regain composer until she said "that’s not an uncommon thing to hear in the morning". I feel like I say this a lot but... That shit really happens??????
Today a child told me "my dad drank too much beer to sign my homework" (picture me melting). I say "I’m sorry that happened but it’s your responsibility to get your homework signed". I know that’s what we have to do because if we said "ok ill count it" every time a child said "my parent was drunk" or "my dads in jail he cant sign it" we would have missing homework a lot.
It is so hard to not feel sorry for these kids and let them get away with things. I experienced nothing even remotely like what they do at that age. I just want to hug them and say "it’s going to be ok, your parents will get their shit together soon" but that won’t help anyone. These kids need someone to care enough about them to make them try their best and help push them to excel.
It is going to be very difficult to not become emotionally wrapped up in all of these children's lives!
-Miss Hansen
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