Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learning Styles

I read an article yesterday from my KDP (honor education society) about helping children discover their individual learning styles. There are apparently 20 or so elements that effect ones ability to learn. Some of these include the lighting, background noise, group size, and timing of the day. Over the years I have been able to discover some of these aspects that definitely affect my learning. For example I prefer light from a lamp over large over head lighting, I like background noise and I can’t learn anything between the hours of 10PM and 8 AM. If my homework isn't done by ten or so it’s just not going to happen.
Knowing how much these things effect me makes me think of all the aspects in the room that might hurt a child’s ability to learn. I have one child who becomes very frustrated when children are talking around him and he is trying to work. Another child likes to stand by his desk while working. Most of a time it’s not a problem until he starts making noises and disrupting the class.
At UC we talk about ways that teachers can make accommodations to the room to help children learn. Having alternative chairs, quite areas, areas with background noise, lighting, and working in different size groups are all ways to help make the room the most desirable environment for each child. This is a great idea in the perfect world and maybe possible in some schools, but at my school making the environment cater to the children is not a priority. I wonder how I might set up my classroom differently knowing the learning style needs of my class.

-Miss Hansen

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