Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quality Worksheets

We do a lot of worksheets here. Most of the curriculum uses programs such as Voyager for reading and a math book. We do seat work every day which is usually a worksheet that they do then color, and some times they have to cut and paste. At UC they don't like worksheets at all! I think that they are good and necessary to use sometimes as long as there is other types of work also.

This morning the children had a math worksheet to do after they wrote in their planner. We are working on basic addition using pictures. This worksheet had ____ + ____= for the children to fill in. But the pictures that they were supposed to be counting were not lined up with the lines at all! The first group was over the first line and the second was over where the = line is. This was super confusing for them! They new to write the number of pictures on the line so we got 2+6=4 rather than 2+4=6. It was obvious that this was not a quality worksheet and should not be used again.

I wonder if other schools use worksheets as much as we do??

-Miss Hansen

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